In the clouds on the Pioneer



New Member
Aug 31, 2013
Greetings again from Mexico, sorry that was a great time away from the community, at least actively, regularly go in and read several issues, as I bring you one of the maxims tests done here in my country, the route: DURANGO - MAZATLAN 2014, and I say, was a success the Pioneer 700 4, the route is to travel 600KM in 2 days, something might be short, but it's a naughty Campio crossing the SIERRA MADRE, down and up on more than 2 occasions more 1000 meters high, all for just and sufficient gaps for ATV ENDURO, a hill on the other side and aviary, test of endurance and character, this is the 5th edition of the route, and the first to which I go, here leave you some photos, link DROPBOX so they can see more, and the official FACEBOOK event, so they can see more photos, highly recommended, and as data and not suffered any damage, or against time, some RZR did not meet the task other more came with many problems, MAVERICK did so without problem, enduros and ATV needless to say, comes in 40th place in overall time of 280 participants, auqnue is not a path speed, it is a technique and endurance route first day you arrive at number 12 and went instead UTV 2nd, for many people to appreciate the scenery, but to be originating in DURANGO, for it will often qeu I have the opportunity to camp, that while it is not the same, nor will it seems, nature and the countryside enjoying this occasion I went to do it as fast as possible, which is well finished at 40, but pro towing a mate, more than 3 hours , imagine, 3 people in the Pioneer, more accessories, shovel, ax, gas cans, plus towing another person on a honda 700 trx, you failure to change the computer to have occasion to modify the changes, going up and down thus, the variation in height, failure, and as José Alfredo Jiménez says, is not there first, it's how to get there, so we started as a team and so we finished, I lowered the spirits a bit, he was bringing better pace on the second day, I was in 6th place, ahead only by my own companions, and they traian enduro atv, the Pioneer is a beast, all that weight, and fulfilled the task effortlessly, while others UTV POLARIS coff coff, with only 2 people and some accessories and petrol cans, others loaded, making them heavy and looked donkey. I think if someone had the opportunity to come next year, it would be a route that does not disappoint, there is camaraderie, friendship, competition, plus unique views, you can not always go through these areas, as it saw as the heavy, land used for not very legal things, then that's also an adventure, it has the right of way, literally com camioentas found in the middle of nowhere, or watchful care do not go down a path that you should not, I had little opportunity to take photos and my copilote was not an ace of technology, fortunately in FACEBOOK page there more variety and quality :) and since I came, and no longer do small tours in my region, about 120 km, which is a land blessed by God, we have hills, gaps, mountains, dams, farming, rain, long protected field and the public to whom you can go hunting, yesterday came from a night route, where the rain hit us halfway got drenched and muddy, my partner is not very country, and I was born and I grew up in, but slowly I'm making you like, yesterday I stay all wet and muddy, and no longer angry as before and now had fun some may believe that I had never camped in your life?? his 20 years, until he met me, by God I have about 100 campers, good and'm getting off topic, here promised, many pictures. ... UTA%202014 ... 289&type=3 ... 373&type=1

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Club Founder
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Lifetime Member
Supporting Member
Feb 13, 2013
Charlotte, NC

  1. 1000-5

  2. Talon R
Re: I'm back

Hey. Long time no see.
I will check out your pictures once I get off work today.

Glad you enjoying your Pioneer.


New Member
Aug 31, 2013
Re: I'm back, now with videos & many pictures.

Text: Bishop Walter Velarde. Photographs: Walter Bishop Velarde.
It was half past seven and were already filled both lanes of the blocks from the cathedral to the east and to the side of the Plaza de Armas on Calle Juarez, the quad bikes and razers, which this year numbered in 296, made a loud noise with acceleration engines that stunned everyone including the poor old ladies attending Mass at that hour. The atmosphere was festive, electric, explosive, so that when Tourism Secretary Jose Angel Reinosa, Under Secretary Elvira Silerio and other government officials arrived and gave the starting signal, the entire historic center of the city felt the huge boost ahead of the drivers in their vehicles.

The sky was painted green with pyrotechnics lit day as part of the organization and ATVs for its acronym in English of "All Terrain Vehicle" continued through the exit door so that was an amazing framework for this boot ATV Route Mazatlan Durango 2014 its fifth issue, which is easy to say, it involves a considerable effort of all the staff and tourism authorities who already had several months working to achieve the result at that time was living.

The ATV would speed controlled by a DMV patrols and it was not until the dirt road leading to Garabitos which was released to the quota achieving accelerations of more than 100 km. pph transforming the "RCMD" in an almost unique rally.

First, it is good to note that this year a major stake previously had weaker sex, and who were co-drivers, couple of pilots and pilots and even in two-wheel motorcycle enduros where the difficulty of the route increases incredibly, also with the participation of families in their ATVs four seats and enduros and clear that there was accelerated to be imagined in a race that was not, but speeding tried to be the first to reach Mexiquillo which is where We spend the night strenuous day.

It was amazing as they were arriving at Ejido Agustín Melgar cottages where they were given a lunch of gorditas saw, it definitely carried the day, and they were very tasty and there was told that someone ate up to eight fat then continue by type way this time going through the cress creek, Llano Grande, San Jerónimo (we thank Beto Santiesteban step), Coyotes, El Salto, Adjuntas, Chavarria, and to close the day Mexiquillo where continuing the gastronomic theme dinner is offered as the only Uncle Molkas can do which was also delicious.

The first bikes arrived around 4:30 pm. and finally the last day of this first contingent arrived at 2:30 am, may report to the same white balance.

The awakening of the second day was slowly overnight had worked to fix some of the ATVs that had broken from bands including transmission, suspension, bearings and other mechanical damage to props innovated miracles to keep cars along the route, plus some "raw" meaningful and able to make the output of this new day difficult.

We waited a few minutes after eight in the morning to reach the helicopter and did some promotional shots of what is ultimately, "tourism advertising" issue, give our state better known nationally and internationally, but once filmed only a few minutes, they came back to live an adventure they would never forget.

The route of the second day was Neveros, Duraznitos, Huizar, Table Negros, Rincon, Los Angeles, Rio preside, Guamuchilito, the Noria, El Habal and finally the port of Mazatlan, aptly named the "Pearl of the Pacific", but for reach the destination was still a great distance, geographically if not, whether it was of enormous difficulties.

The route, to be more clear, going by what you see in the landscapes currency one in the famous Devil's Backbone viewpoint, this means that there very far below this vantage point was the road by which pass the RCMD this year, only to be above the clouds there was nothing, only the carts could be heard passing by.

In Los Angeles as in km. 180 Federal Highway No. 40 lonchaba and replenished what was gasoline, also making a mechanic check for newly entering the route, which at this point was down from 2735 mts. above sea level to 389 meters. Prisons in the bed of the river and even up to 13 meters. Mission already at the hotel where the arrival gate was and where all participants made ​​their arrival chip log (some did) to somehow indicate arrival at your hotel.

Moreover Travel Huizar, the continuation of the same on their side of almost pure descent of the Angels toward the formerly called Pueblito (there are no people there), is amazing and lives up any rally that might have internationally, for "cuatrimotero" is like going driving around heaven this inquisitive race of people, as well as having amazing views, has an exquisite difficulty of handling.

In overall time by counting the two days were on average about 18 hrs. the first, 30 the last, perhaps averaging about 24 hours of the most intense operation, projecting the ATV Route Mazatlan Durango 2014 Selected as one of the most remote and difficult routes in the Mexican Republic and parts from abroad, with the participation drivers Cancun, Monterrey, San Luis Potosi, Chihuahua Hidalgo del Parral, Coahuila, Arizona, Mazatlan, Aguascalientes, Monclova, Torreón, Michoacán, Durango Chicago and own, to which we provide our admiration and appreciation for having completed challenge of the Sierra Madre Occidental in Durango. Over there we are.

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