I mentioned to somebody about work'n nights for 10 years with a bunch of x-military and the humor being brutal.
The line got crossed often.
One went to far... A co-worker who had struggled with his relationship with his wife was on the shop phone with his wife and another guy slipped up behind him and wrote down the number off the caller ID display. He started calling his wife and asking her out and telling her her husband wasn't a real man and everybody at work hated him and didn't want to work with him... etc... etc.
Caused that dude all kinda problems at home.
Seems like two or three times a year someone came to work to find a grease cert installed on the side of their tool box. And an empty 5 gal bucket of grease sitting beside it. (pneumatic greaser)
Snakes, spiders, rhino beetles and more, all used to torture co-workers. For goodness sake, don't tell ANYONE if you have a phobia!
But I see here, y'all are mostly interested in tube steak...

🤢🤮 (As I quitely and discreetly slip out the door.)