Welcome from KANSAS!!! Enjoy the ride...!
Mudder that could have been me! The Tri-Moto was my first scratch to this itch! Went from there to a 1984 200x (wish I still had) to a long pause then a 2002 Rancher 350 ES (still runs great today) another pause to 2021 700-4 deluxe.Welcome to the forum from the Ga/Tn line. Your story of prior off road atv/dual sport bike/street bikes is so similar to mine. I just wish they had the Pioneers decades ago in the 3 wheeler period.
Some great members here, internet friends that treat you like good neighbors.
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Welcome from Mi also, Nice ride!!Greetings to the forum members, new member here from the Thumb, Michigan.
I must say I was looking around for a SxS, as this is my first one, and ended up getting the Pioneer 700-4. My first Honda was a '71 green 3 wheeler with the balloon tires, then XL250, a couple Magna's, and have been running a Honda Foreman 450 for 20+ years.
I must say the base price wasn't bad, it was the accessories that put it up there with the price of a cheap new car! But a few creature comforts are worth it as the body gets older and the aches and pains start.
Looking forward to plowing snow 'inside' a cab, even if it has air leaks, lol. Anyway, some good info here and I hope my Pioneer is as good as my Foreman, which I kept as it doesn't owe me a thing. Only ever done regular maintenance and it has never failed me.
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You will find the front seat VERY HOT is the summer.
I was just snooping around local Honda dealerships and found a 700-2, decided to just go take a look at it and ask questions, dealer just happened to have the 700-4 there so got lucky. I actually wanted the Deluxe model, but as they are so hard to find and I couldn't even order one, decided to grab this one. Will probably spring for Power Steering down the road.Hi, I’m in Michigan also, just wondering where did you find your SxS, I’ve been looking and no one has any 700-4 or deluxes in stock or on order.
So no problems with Lapeer, That’s good because I’ve been talking to them also.I was just snooping around local Honda dealerships and found a 700-2, decided to just go take a look at it and ask questions, dealer just happened to have the 700-4 there so got lucky. I actually wanted the Deluxe model, but as they are so hard to find and I couldn't even order one, decided to grab this one. Will probably spring for Power Steering down the road.
Anyway, I got this one at the Lapeer Honda shop, no issues. Dealer there had almost all the accessories I wanted already on it so was ez decision, except you gotta pay for it, lol.
Thanks to all for the warm welcome, ride on!
What dealers have you spoke to?Hi, I’m in Michigan also, just wondering where did you find your SxS, I’ve been looking and no one has any 700-4 or deluxes in stock or on order.
Lapeer Honda, the others were just looking online and nobody has anything in stockWhat dealers have you spoke to?
Roger that.Just
Lapeer Honda, the others were just looking online and nobody has anything in stock
Thanks for the advice, I’m familiar with all those places, I will check them outRoger that.
was wondering who u checked with ? Dont trust on line. 3/4 of the time they wont list it At least what Ive found in mi. Id call and ask. Ive bought from and drive past US 27 motorsports St Johns on my way to my cabin. They had a P7 there last weekend and this past weekend. check c&c in Brighton. They usually have a few. Even call up north to like Extreme in Gaylord for example, they had one on the showroom floor a few weeks ago when I was there. Got to make calls. Depends how bad u want one?
Thanks for the advice, I’m familiar with all those places, I will check them out