Anyone else experienced an occasional issue when firing up your P1K? It doesn't happen often but every once in awhile when I start it it fires and sputters (similar to a flooded engine in the old days of carburetors) and dies. After a few starts it seems to clear and runs fine. Seems to only happen after it has been driven for the first time that day. Like I said, it may do it once on twice one day and then not do it for a week or two of driving daily.
It has done this ever since I purchased it new. The Honda dealer said they had not idea why and couldn't diagnose the problem unless it was doing it when they had it. Well, that was helpful, but I do understand their reasoning. It is a 2016 EPS. I love it and have had zero problems with it (other than the above which has been a nuisance rather than a problem so far). Just concerned that some day I will be 25 miles into the 'blue loop' at Mill Creek and it decides it doesn't want to start.
It has done this ever since I purchased it new. The Honda dealer said they had not idea why and couldn't diagnose the problem unless it was doing it when they had it. Well, that was helpful, but I do understand their reasoning. It is a 2016 EPS. I love it and have had zero problems with it (other than the above which has been a nuisance rather than a problem so far). Just concerned that some day I will be 25 miles into the 'blue loop' at Mill Creek and it decides it doesn't want to start.