I believe there is a manufacturer name embossed in the side of the buckle.
Maybe a quick email to them asking for a part number for the buckle and a list of local suppliers that may be able to order them for you?
Yes I found the name. I tried to order them but there is no place to order. I have sent them an email hoping they can get me one. They were forsale on Amazon at one time. But now they are no longer available.
I'm assuming you are looking for the buckle for the back net but just wanted to make sure. I took mine off the front and believe I still have them somewhere if they would work.
I believe I still have the front nets sitting around in the shed and can look tonight. Do you need the piece that attached to the rig or the section on the net? I think I have both but just wanted make sure.
Your welcome, I will check tonight and let you know tomorrow. If not I'm sure there will be afew available. I think they were the first things I took off when I left the dealership.