Was going thru a wash out in the hunting club last night and apparently it was a lot deeper than I expected. It dropped off quick and water got up to nearly the bottom of the seat. The bike is snorkeled but only for accidental moments like this. As soon as the exhaust went under it shut off. Tried to crank it up underwater and it hydro locked🙄 finally got it back to dry land, pulled the plug, blew water out. Checked air box and no signs of water. I checked the oil and it didn’t show any signs of water either. Cranked it up and eased back to the camp. The bike ran fine the whole way back. Checked oil this morning and there is the slightest bit of white film up top. Pretty upset bc it’s a brand new bike and I just got it a month ago. What do you guys think? Is my engine done for? Will it be smoking like a mosquito fogger in the near future? Also, any tips on flushing the oil would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!