Has any one ever tried the "static cling" window tinting? Either on the front windshield or as a "shade band" like the old car front window used to have..
I am thinking if works ok it would help protect the front windshield or at the very least it would help with evening rides when the sun is starting to set...
I just found an old roll of this in the basement that we used on some west facing windows,the optical clarity was decent. Pretty sure this was picked up a few years ago from Home depot....Glare control it says....this isnt regular window tinting,this can be removed and reapplied on Glass. never tried it on the Honda window/plexiglass before ........................My buggy is a couple hundred miles away or I wouldnt be asking this...https://www.homedepot.com/p/d-c-fix-35-in-x-78-in-Tinted-Anti-Glare-Static-Cling-Window-Film-F3375001/303454295
I am thinking if works ok it would help protect the front windshield or at the very least it would help with evening rides when the sun is starting to set...
I just found an old roll of this in the basement that we used on some west facing windows,the optical clarity was decent. Pretty sure this was picked up a few years ago from Home depot....Glare control it says....this isnt regular window tinting,this can be removed and reapplied on Glass. never tried it on the Honda window/plexiglass before ........................My buggy is a couple hundred miles away or I wouldnt be asking this...https://www.homedepot.com/p/d-c-fix-35-in-x-78-in-Tinted-Anti-Glare-Static-Cling-Window-Film-F3375001/303454295