People Dying to come see me!
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I'm not one to talk bad about anyone unless I feel I was wronged or not treated fairly and in this case, I feel I was. I joined this forum because of the comradery of all things Honda Pioneer and the owners to use them everyday. Its one of the best forums I've ever been a part of. Due to the recent explosion of interest in the aftermarket shocks for the P5 I was really excited about trying them out. Several members here indicated they had received forum discounts from WE for shocks and I've never once seen a post stating a discount code or anything from WE. It was indicated to me to mention the forum for the special price on the shocks and Chris @WE told me that they don't offer this discount anymore! So they offer discount pricing in January, end of February but not 8 days later in March? My complaint is why offer a discount to someone one day but not the next? Especially when no discount code was ever mentioned or offered? We are all a tightnit bunch of enthusiasts and I feel like I was wronged!! I'd say the majority of people that will be buying shocks for their P5 are going to be from these forums!!! If the people at WE can show favoritism to one person out the large group but not everyone its a BAD WAY to do business!