We arrived at the RV park at 3 pm on the third of June. There were three of us and this was the first time I had been there, my two riding partners had been riding there for over 20 years.
One of the guys has a 180 HP X3 so of course I was having a hard time going where he did. After trying all the modes I found running it in low range (I had never used it) and manually shifting was the only way to go. I would mostly use gears 3-6 and I haven't looked but they seemed to be closer together so the engine would stay in it's happy place between gears. The Talon would hit the chip at around 53 MPH in sixth gear/low range which didn't happen too often. I was running GMZ Sand Strippers and they really worked well. I could usually out climb my other riding buddies YXZ. I would also go through a crap load of gas. In 40 miles I would use over 5 gallons of gas, I was usually at full throttle most of the time.
The Can Am X3 did have a mechanical problem, it blew the rear of the intake manifold off. We tie wrapped it back together and it ran in limp mode back to the RV park. We found a used one a mile away so we grabbed it and took the X3 to the Rexburg Can Am dealer so we could get it's software updated and get it out of limp mode. The next morning I installed some hose clamps around the used manifold so it would hold together while one of our friends who had flew down to ride shotgun with us took the broken manifold out. We both then installed the used manifold and the thing ran great for the rest of the week.
It was a great time and I rode over 400 miles on the sand.
One of the guys has a 180 HP X3 so of course I was having a hard time going where he did. After trying all the modes I found running it in low range (I had never used it) and manually shifting was the only way to go. I would mostly use gears 3-6 and I haven't looked but they seemed to be closer together so the engine would stay in it's happy place between gears. The Talon would hit the chip at around 53 MPH in sixth gear/low range which didn't happen too often. I was running GMZ Sand Strippers and they really worked well. I could usually out climb my other riding buddies YXZ. I would also go through a crap load of gas. In 40 miles I would use over 5 gallons of gas, I was usually at full throttle most of the time.
The Can Am X3 did have a mechanical problem, it blew the rear of the intake manifold off. We tie wrapped it back together and it ran in limp mode back to the RV park. We found a used one a mile away so we grabbed it and took the X3 to the Rexburg Can Am dealer so we could get it's software updated and get it out of limp mode. The next morning I installed some hose clamps around the used manifold so it would hold together while one of our friends who had flew down to ride shotgun with us took the broken manifold out. We both then installed the used manifold and the thing ran great for the rest of the week.
It was a great time and I rode over 400 miles on the sand.