So as some of you know, been adding some MORE stuff to the pioneer this weekend! Had a slight issue with my light bar, but everything else went pretty smooth! Had to add a bigger fuse block, as I went with a smaller one to begin with as I just cant seem to stop adding things!
Exogear Speaker bar
RC 50in light bar
RC pods
Badlands xzr 5000 winch
New crossroads switch plate(needed more switches)😍.
Already had:
Honda Store back up lights and add a light kit
Underseat fan
Seizmik Lighted mirrors
Seizmik Lighted Rear view mirror
Dual Volt Meter
USB Ports
Not clean as some of you other guys, but I'm happy with the work! I hope I'm done at this point!!! Please ignore the pollen, it's coming down like rain in North FL
And yes white is bad ass!!