Todd's 2019 Talon X trail build



Well-Known Member
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Jun 23, 2020
Green Bay, WI

  1. 1000-5

  2. Talon X
On a side note. An E2 tornado went through 1 1/2 miles away from my cabin. I had no branches down at my cabin at all.

My daughter is 12 and just got her atv license. Last weekend we took her first 15 mile ride on the trails to get ice cream. It took us about and hour and she kept giving me the thumbs up the whole way.

There were a few nice mud holes and she got the hang of shifting up and down right away. The 300 needs shifting to keep the power flowing.

E6410FC1 E69F 44C1 B295 1F51F2DFE678

47849E4D 4DD4 447C A4D1 E8A6DA3D5996

563E5C76 292A 4CCB AED2 B0231F151246


Well-Known Member
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Supporting Member
Oct 27, 2019
SE Denver-ish

  1. Talon R
There’s a link for the door latches in the Talon info linked in my sig. I like them, even with no door lowers, it still gets pretty warm inside.

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