People Dying to come see me!
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TO was a BLAST and the crew did an awesome job with everything! My new P1k5 deluxe did much better than anticipated. Coming from a RMAX with 32's and not having to worry about anything on any trail I was able to handle effortlessly wasn';t the case with the pioneer. The friday ride to prison with Jackal brought alot of people to my rig to check out the front trail bumper, improved tierods and features on the new improved machine. Machine performed good but realized a couple issues needed addressing at the dealer. Everyone behind me on trail asked me how I never hit my breaks on trail; found out brake lights don't work and machine won't start in gear with brake depressed either! seat heat is still present and got pretty toasty even with the bilge 4" fan installed under the new seat trays. Suspension and door rattles were awful but manageable. I think my Milwaukee packout boxes rattled more than the doors or bed do so it is what it is! throttle is much more smoother on takeoff and no bucking or lurching was noticed on this one unlike my 2016 was. On Saturday Richard installed his lightbar and worked without a problem. We did a small group ride with new friends and found our self trying to get up trail to TOW.....I nearly flopped it over twice but with help kept it rubber side down. Definitely wanna get those Fox shocks installed quickly. Considering high clearance arms and 30" tires. Those 3 accessories with get me very close to what the RMAX gave me. Heat rock crawling in low and steam from carwash still made seat heat terrible but I have a trigger shield now and it will be going on soon. I'm so happy to be in a Honda again and machine suits me perfectly. I feel cramped in the RMAX and Pioneer I felt comfortable. I wished I could have had more time to catch up and meet everyone but their is always another time soon!