This. Light is much better in adverse conditions and easier on the eyes not looking through it. Nice being more protected and less weight up high.
Have it both ways currently because Talon was easier to mount up towards the top but really prefer under windshield.
Perhaps I don't understand, but that doesn't make a whole lotta sense to me. No matter where you mount a forward shining light, high or low, wherever, if the driver is looking forward, he will be "looking through it". This is why many fog lights will be aimed down a bit and will have an upper cutoff, so you don't have to look through the glare caused by the fog or rain. But most all the lights we are talking about will have a significant beam angle, a flood more so than a spot, but then floods are in many ways more practical as they illuminate a larger area and most want to illuminate a larger area much of the time. Higher mounts are an advantage in that regard as they shine over and beyond nearby obstructions, tall vegetation etc.