I understand what you are saying.
My comment was reflecting on the capability of the 520 itself, not that of the hitch.
The 520 can pull (according to specs) 1000#.
That is the capability of the machine, not the receiver.
A larger receiver won't increase that capacity.
As far as the 1'1/4" getting frozen in place....I have not experienced that.
I'm actually trying to work on a receiver mounted attachment for other devices, a carrier, a rear grading blade etc. that would mount in the receiver and the two frame rails to the left and right of the receiver for additional strength and stability.
I'm trying to design a rake using an actuator to help with lawn grooming.
For now it's just a pile of scribbles on paper.
yeah, I was in no way attempting to increase the capacity. I bought the 520 for smaller, quick jobs and access to the work sites in my forest when the ground is not in condition to support heavier equipment. I have a tractor with a logging winch, grapple, belly pan, brush guards,limb risers, and a self-loading forwarding trailer for that sort of work. (Even the tractor is a bit on the small side for some of what I do, but it's been hard to justify a bigger one.)
All of my vehicles have 2" receivers. (The tractor via a 3 Pt hitch attachment, though it's not used much.) Our first minivan had a factory installed 1 1/4" receiver. When the insert rusted in place, I vowed "never again". All subsequent vehicles have had a 2" receiver. If there was not a factory option, I had n aftermarket one installed. Frozen 1 1/4" receivers are not uncommon here - I've helped several people get theirs unstuck (and failed to get others unstuck.) Probably related to the amount of salt (and in some municipalities, brine) used on the roads in the Winter in this area.