How do I add an additional battery and isolate with the "Honda SWITCH PLATE HARNESS Part # 0SA30-HL4-100" ?
Just got a SxS10005mD - ordered the switch plate Harness, the "Honda FUSE BOX RELO BKT Part # 0SA30-HL4-100B" relocation bracket, ordered a KFI Winch Kit (Part [HASHTAG]#U4500[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#101285[/HASHTAG]) & Plow Kit (KFI# 105740, 105635 & 105072). I plan on adding a front light bar, rear LED cubes, a dome light and rewire the winch switch into the panel (using switches) and a radio into the power mix.
Just wondering if I add an additional battery what isolator should I use and what should I keep in mind so I wire it so it separates the the switch plate harness and radio off the main battery circuit ?
Great Machine and Most Appreciative of any/all advice !