So this past weekend while doing some night riding I noticed my lightbar would almost dim down for a second then come back full strength. I am running the dual battery setup with all accessories running off secondary battery. The only additional accessory I'm running off the main battery is Chupacabra led cubes for the headlights. I was running my 40" rough country dual row lightbar, tusk seat heater (only 1 seat), and wicked Pecker Off-road heater. Watching my dual volt meter, I noticed my secondary battery would drop to roughly 10.8 volts and primary would drop to roughly 11 volts as the voltages were fluctuating quit a bit. I turned all the accessories off except the light bar and turned off my brights on the headlights and still noticed the sporadic dimming and voltage all over the place. I also have a torque locker so not sure if that eliminates any additional power required since I'm not utilizing the i-4WD. Would this be a sign of the primary battery starting to fail? Any thoughts, I have checked all wiring and no loose connections that I can find.