Uh huh. So @MrsRed and @Red500 are in on your pineapple escapades? More than I wanted to know.
Don't you dare besmirch the Lord's favorite snack that is Little Debbie's Fudge Rounds. He certainly wouldn't approve of that nor any of your other heathen activities; Pineapple P.Diddy Parties, willfully consuming oatmeal raisin cookies, unwillingness to use 100% of the throttle on your P5, etc.
Ummm... No. You leave Red and Ms. Kansas out of your fantasies, they are good people.
I am fairly certain the Lord appreciates Buc-ees Oatmeal Raisin Cookies as well... they taste like heaven. There is nothing wrong with controlling ones throttle usage... maybe, using 100% of the throttle too often is why you ran out of gas on Friday. Also given the fact your packing fudge rounds... and condoms on a overlanding trip... makes them P.Diddy Parties.
Yeah she did, up close too he was standing next to me talking and she just calmly walked up and shot him went right under his beard those little darts hurt sometimes