I suggest it to everyone! Ive got 3times the night video we love it! We can definitely see better at night then during the day. But you can see why all of our lights are tucked in and low I've learned the hard way. Also how the Buster got screwed up. Our night rides are usually epic. We were lost one time in a new area for about 4-5 hours and we still talk about how much fun that was. Not to many people I know try this in the deep woods 25mi from camp with no backup on a Polaris. This is why we ride Honda! Next time with a snorkel lol. The lightbars are VERY reasonable now just buy online and talk to one of the many on here that like to help. A good bar can be had depending on what you need for between 25-100$. There is no need to buy the 3-400 dollar units. And the screen really isn't as noticeable as it seems at times in pics.