What I'm thinking.Looks like you guys had a great time. I've got to slow down work for a while!
Quote by DrFubar: joeymt33, this could be your next signature: "I should be more understanding. I should know by now that a little hill to me probably is a big hill to you."
Video #4 from 9/20/2016. This is a long one but worth it. It has one of my favorite hills on it. Lots of rocks, technical but if you pick the right line, (I don't), it really shows the Honda's ability.
We had to change a tire at the end of the ride...
And what was he doing to that tree? Y'all some strange dudes
Quote by DrFubar: joeymt33, this could be your next signature: "I should be more understanding. I should know by now that a little hill to me probably is a big hill to you."
That's what I need to know. 7x3 inches, $14.95 per sticker from Walter... @joeymt33, @Delton, @DGann, @500 @sharp, what do you all think.. Joey and I say it's a go... What say you?
That's what I need to know. 7x3 inches, $14.95 per sticker from Walter... @joeymt33, @Delton, @DGann, @500 @sharp, what do you all think.. Joey and I say it's a go... What say you?
I'm with you on this @joeymt33. Walter said he can personalize each for different members too. I'll post the link in a few.. I think that would be awesome too...I think that these stickers shouldn't be applied to a vehicle that hasnt made "the loop". I'm talking about the loop that has the steep hill climb with the hard rock section and the "dead end hole".
I would say this is the last big group we had earned this badge of honor.
@sharp, @DGann, and @500, all gave it hell just as hard as we usually do riding that day. What y'all think? Should this be given out to just anyone? Or do they need to go through the hazing? I don't want a vehicle that just cruises the mall parking lot to be wearing this badge, we've got a reputation to uphold.
Quote by DrFubar: joeymt33, this could be your next signature: "I should be more understanding. I should know by now that a little hill to me probably is a big hill to you."
Looks cool, maybe get rid of the pink outline and make it black. I'll take one. If you've ridden the bull you get the sticker! No if ands or buts. Lol