Hello, all;
Brand new member. First time posting. Haven't even read through this thread yet. I'm working on some recent cam issues for a 2017 700-2 that I picked up. I joined this forum with the intent to share knowledge during my rebuild. I found the internet to be lacking in details and specs about this camshaft, in particular.
Mods or superusers (or anyone else), is there any interest in me posting pics and discussing my impressions? I was considering whether to post about the auto-decompressor, lobes, lubrication, wear patterns (or premature wearing issues, should I say). Stuff like that. If there are requests for pics and measurements of the new vs garbage camshaft, I can also provide those. I recognize most users own the Service Manual, but I found it to be lacking some expected details. I can either hijack this thread, or begin my own; whatever is most helpful.
Thank you for allowing me to momentarily derail this thread. Comments welcome. Speak soon.
Brand new member. First time posting. Haven't even read through this thread yet. I'm working on some recent cam issues for a 2017 700-2 that I picked up. I joined this forum with the intent to share knowledge during my rebuild. I found the internet to be lacking in details and specs about this camshaft, in particular.
Mods or superusers (or anyone else), is there any interest in me posting pics and discussing my impressions? I was considering whether to post about the auto-decompressor, lobes, lubrication, wear patterns (or premature wearing issues, should I say). Stuff like that. If there are requests for pics and measurements of the new vs garbage camshaft, I can also provide those. I recognize most users own the Service Manual, but I found it to be lacking some expected details. I can either hijack this thread, or begin my own; whatever is most helpful.
Thank you for allowing me to momentarily derail this thread. Comments welcome. Speak soon.