2018 P1000-5 So I recently installed the diy fan override kit. Apparently the same kit is made for the 1000 as is for the 500/700, just the wires are reversed. I wired for auto/on operation. Turns out the wires on the over ride harness were backwards.I got the the pins switched around. Seemed to work but fan seemed weak. Having used the machine a few time since I cannot get the fan to engage at all and machine wants to run warm as a result. Possible some damage was done upon initial hook up. Jumped 12v to fan and it really spins so believe fan is good. Eliminate machine side of harness and supply ground to green wire on over ride harness and rocker switch works to run fan over ride. Check for continuity between green wire on machine harness and ground and no luck. Can somebody tell me where that green wire goes to so I can further trouble shoot? Little black box under drivers seat has connector with blue and green wires like I found at fan connection. Could that have gotten fried? Thanks