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A-Pod HSD Multi-Pod & A-Pod Mirror Bracket: Custom-made for Honda OEM Soft Doors.
FITS: 14-25 Honda Pioneer 1000-1000-5-1000-6
Our A-Pod Brackets are made specifically for the Honda OEM soft doors. We have two bracket configurations available: the A-pod HSD (Honda Soft Door) Multi-pod that will also mount a 50-54’’ lightbar, and the A-Pod HSD mirror-only bracket. Both models have a 10mm bolt hole, and we provide a 10 mm-8 mm reducer so that the brackets will work with various 10 mm and 8mm single-bolt mirrors. When we tested mirrors, we found that the tusk mirrors worked the best. However, we only tested the Seizmik Embark and never tested the Seizmik Pursuit or Strike UTV Side View Mirror.Testing included running the mirror into trees at various speeds, which was nothing extreme, but if you wondered why the brackets are made from 1/4'' steel, there's a reason. The A-Pod Brackets' Solid steel construction is designed to withstand the most extreme punishment, allowing the mirror to fold in when hit and return to its original position in one move.
Available at - www.ghostrocksoffroad.com