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I ran into the same deal with the right front CV after putting the WE shocks on.I caught it while still on the jack stands.I cured the problem by cutting the lower shock mount off and rewelding them 1/2 lower on the A-arm.No more bind at full droop.I don't know if the others here with the WE's have had this problem or even checked for binding.I had not seen it mentioned.Im ordering the rears next week, if that tells you anything. I went riding with a few of my buddies I met here on the forum, and they all commented how much softer the machine seemed. All of them have P1K's, but my one bud is real familiar with the P5--has a lot of miles on one himself. Pushed down on my winch 2-3 times and said "dang man! those are softer." I do have to back off the pre-load a little bit. I cranked a little more in b4 we road to see how it acted @ 11" of front clearance. Notice that front-right stubby-side CV bottoming a couple times. I would advise someone who rides hard to go with Stage 4 or so--rebound adjustment clicker would be nice. For those that ride recreationally, no jumps, 3 gear-ish most of the time--stage 1 is a great investment. Hopefully these keep me happy for a year or so. The wife likes the Talon X just as much as I do after sitting in it