good info, I think you may be right... even though this would be only to haul up to cabin and back, if I need to I can haul my 4 wheeler and fishing sled no problem.I get it which is why if I were recommending a trailer set-up to a friend who says "I am almost over gvwr…" I'd say go tandem axle so you won't be. It is more than about the ability to add length. It is about better tracking, easier backing and less precision needed on weight distribution. Most importantly it is about your safety. When you are near gvwr you are stressing each component of that suspension.Then you add a 1 ft. to the top of the trailer and you are increasing curb weight and moving that center of gravity up just a bit. I'm certainly not saying this will end in a bad crash or ever wishing that on anyone, I'm just saying think about it. Utility trailers tend not to be affected by a single vs tandem in a bad situation because they don't have the same higher center of gravity or wind working against them. If you go enclosed for P1000 weight, I'd go tandem no question...
A lot of factors at play here with lifted tow vehicle and likely "freak out" response by the driver...
Driver does a great job but watch the slight fishtail, a tandem would have maintained its line with a lot less drama involved...