I put 62 miles on my new pioneer deluxe. Got home and washed it and was putting some "dome lighting" on it. When finished I started it up and noticed the warning light for the EPS was on. Revved it a little and light went off. Parked it and started it the next day and light came back on. I shut it down and tried to start it again and the unit was dead. When I turned the key the instrument panel was also dead. I noticed the instrument panel would come on if the key was turned about half way but went dead when turned to the on position. Soooo my new pioneer it back at the dealer. He thinks it is the key switch. That does make sense but why would the EPS light come on first?
Oh btw I drug it back to the dealer and it started when at the dealer. The EPS light was still on. I didn't cut or change any factory wiring. The lights hooked up by the accessory plug.
Oh btw I drug it back to the dealer and it started when at the dealer. The EPS light was still on. I didn't cut or change any factory wiring. The lights hooked up by the accessory plug.