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You are going to want a turbo kit if your riding at high altitude all the time. No amount of tuning is going to make up for the lack of air at altitude and horsepower loss is just a product of that.I'm starting to think about improved performance but staying NA. My problem is that half of my riding is at 8,000 + feet elevation, a fairly small percentage of the riding population (sometimes over 13k feet). @PaulF brought up hot start problems at altitude and Honda doesn't seem to care because of the small unit numbers involved.
If someone is really taking the altitude tuning seriously, that would be awesome for some of us.
Another concern I have is the open loop, closed loop fuel injection (I think that's the terms). One of them, and I think the Talon, is pretty 'dumb' and doesn't adjust on the fly, it simply uses a fuel map. I think that defeats the whole purpose of FI.
You don't want to start down the N/A power road either, its expensive and in your case wouldn't be worth the investment. A ported head and cam with stock compression will be lame at best. Your not going to want high compression pistons because then you step into the world of race fuel and $9 a gallon prices. You don't like noise (from what I've read in other threads) so an aftermarket exhaust would be out of the question and not having one and trying to make decent N/A power without it is futile.
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