OK So back on it. Code 103, Iw4d light, front passenger side wheel frozen.
To restate from the beginning:
-Had my vehicle all apart doing extensive mods (susp, eps, rack, hubs, knuckles, turbo, etc).
-Put it back together. Put in a new battery in the dark and had the wrong battery (poles rev) fried the 50amp.
-Put in a new 50 amp and my front wheels were frozen. Originally i thought the front brakes were frozen by the i4wd. I pulled them, wasn't the issue - so figured i had binding on diff when i reinstalled it. so i pulled the diff and reinstalled it, axles spun fine. -Put 12v power on it and it happened again, front wheels completely locked all gears.
Fast forward to today.
1. Lifted vehicle pulled wheels, pulled front brake calipers.
2. Put in a diff PCM.
3. Front left rotates, front right completely frozen.
4. Still code 103 with i4wd light.
5. Swapped ECU back.
6. same - Front left rotates, front right completely frozen.
7. Started vehicle. Rear wheels and front left are fine (front left spins in i4wd, can spin by hand in 2wd/p/n), front right is completely frozen all gears. Front driveshaft spins normal.
8. Disconnected Green iw4d front clutch 2p wire - no effect
9. Disconnected grey vs sensor 3p connector - no effect
*The manual says to change the i4wd module for a code 103 once continuity testing is done on page 25-51. i4wd light points to it.
*On page 18-31 in the inspection of front clutch section, it says to check front wheel free spin in park. then disconnect 4wd clutch green connector 2P and apply 12v power directly to the clutch side of the connector - "when battery is connected it is normal if the front wheel is locked"
So it's pretty clear the front clutch is malfunctioning - acting like it has 12v power even when not connected to power and with connectors disconnected. and only to the passenger side. anyone ever take it apart and see where the green connector hard line goes?
I have a spare i4wd module I am going to swap it in tomorrow but am thinking that's not the issue. i hope it is but doubt it
trying to rule everything out b4 getting a new front clutch. manual doesn't talk about the ecu inside it, only that brief inspection procedure. I will also put 12v power on it and see if i can freeze both wheels on command. but even if it resets both super sketchy having a risk of a front wheel locking on u. Only other thing i didnt do is change the 4wd relay in the back, fuses are all good but didnt swap that, although not sure how that could cause this.
appreciate any thoughts
To restate from the beginning:
-Had my vehicle all apart doing extensive mods (susp, eps, rack, hubs, knuckles, turbo, etc).
-Put it back together. Put in a new battery in the dark and had the wrong battery (poles rev) fried the 50amp.
-Put in a new 50 amp and my front wheels were frozen. Originally i thought the front brakes were frozen by the i4wd. I pulled them, wasn't the issue - so figured i had binding on diff when i reinstalled it. so i pulled the diff and reinstalled it, axles spun fine. -Put 12v power on it and it happened again, front wheels completely locked all gears.
Fast forward to today.
1. Lifted vehicle pulled wheels, pulled front brake calipers.
2. Put in a diff PCM.
3. Front left rotates, front right completely frozen.
4. Still code 103 with i4wd light.
5. Swapped ECU back.
6. same - Front left rotates, front right completely frozen.
7. Started vehicle. Rear wheels and front left are fine (front left spins in i4wd, can spin by hand in 2wd/p/n), front right is completely frozen all gears. Front driveshaft spins normal.
8. Disconnected Green iw4d front clutch 2p wire - no effect
9. Disconnected grey vs sensor 3p connector - no effect
*The manual says to change the i4wd module for a code 103 once continuity testing is done on page 25-51. i4wd light points to it.
*On page 18-31 in the inspection of front clutch section, it says to check front wheel free spin in park. then disconnect 4wd clutch green connector 2P and apply 12v power directly to the clutch side of the connector - "when battery is connected it is normal if the front wheel is locked"
So it's pretty clear the front clutch is malfunctioning - acting like it has 12v power even when not connected to power and with connectors disconnected. and only to the passenger side. anyone ever take it apart and see where the green connector hard line goes?
I have a spare i4wd module I am going to swap it in tomorrow but am thinking that's not the issue. i hope it is but doubt it
trying to rule everything out b4 getting a new front clutch. manual doesn't talk about the ecu inside it, only that brief inspection procedure. I will also put 12v power on it and see if i can freeze both wheels on command. but even if it resets both super sketchy having a risk of a front wheel locking on u. Only other thing i didnt do is change the 4wd relay in the back, fuses are all good but didnt swap that, although not sure how that could cause this.
appreciate any thoughts