I used automotive tires on my 1st. 3 Seat SXS back in the early 70's.
No springs just tire pressure for suspension. Falcon ft wheels , Ford Tk.rear.
Used inner tubes, allowed lower pressure better ride & keep bead from breaking.
Ran this home brew until --( pre Forman )1986 Honda TRX 350 4x4 Came out -- kept that one 14 yrs.-- Until the 2000 Forman 450 & then 500
2005 Polaris Ranger 6x6 , 2009 RZR 1st. machine I put snow tracks on( nice concept poor durability ) Dec. 2013 Back to Honda P700-4( nice with sno tracks ) now 2017 P 500 & ( 2018 P 500 best I've had with snow tracks )
Let's see picturesof any other Pre factory SXS of simular size.

( please not full size ) Doodle bugs been three too Model T & A ,Dodge 6x6 , Tractor )
It did happen here is a Picture of the 1970's sxs 9.1/2 brigs powered. ,2wd. rack & pinion steering 3 spd. With reverse
If this wasn't a Honda forum I could do a BUILD post & the changes as years went by ( roof, ft. & rear WINCH , elect start ,widen rear with reversed wheels , ( many of the mods being used now )
That machine got me to & from camp many years 15mi. 1 way.
It was before SXS crotch rockets that exsist now.