Front prop shaft u-joint went out .Due to the back order of the joints I got creative and rebuilt mine. I sourced a cross so I was able to rebuild mine. The oem cross is staked into place,but a big hammer,proper punch and anvil you can just drive the old cross out .The staking gives way . Once it was all apart I put center punch marks on the shaft and the yoke's that are on the shaft. This way it's simple to put everything back together onto the shaft and keep the joints in Phase . If your not sure what keeping the joints in phase it means keeping the Yokes that are on the same shaft in line with each other . This is very important otherwise you will get a terrible vibration,jerking and noise .The new crosses are and caps are a bit longer which to me is a good thing because the caps are almost flush to the outside of the Yokes . I tack welded the caps in place once everything was put back together . I made sure to even the caps into the Yokes before tack welding them in. The new cross comes with differnt grease zerks .I used the straight ones and faced them away from the center shaft.If you face them towards the center shaft they will hit the shaft. Also once there in place on the prop shaft you can reach in from the other side { before you install the shaft] you can stick your grease gun into the end and grease them. Hope this helps anyone who is having issues in getting the joints.

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