I’ve run them for 20 years on every car, truck, ATV and now sxs I’ve ever owned and have never had a single issue. I clean and service them when needed. I have cleaned my pioneer filter several times.
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Ive seen a 400EX engine destroyed by one in under 2 weeks. They dont seal against the crankcase vent in the airbox and allows it to suck dirt down into the crankcase. I've also seen them contaminate throttle bodies when used in applications where the filter is directly above the intake. I've cleaned so many Goldwing throttle bodies because of valve contamination due to K&N filter oil.
While I personally wouldn't run one on anything I own, I dont see a problem for on road stuff. But the "wont void your warranty" is Bs atleast as far as Honda is concerned. They'll laugh you out of the dealership if you have one installed and try to file a engine damage claim.
I never saw the idea behind it, they dont save money since the original buy in is high. The oil and cleaner cost money and all i have to do when replacing my OEM filter is throw it away and install a new part. Atleats when it comes to on road paper style elements that is.
The oil and labor isnt really a factor offroad since most filters are washable and reusable