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Wow! That is scary stuff. Hopefully they get you feeling better quickly. Prayers for you and Bayleaf.This morning I left my hotel room and was attempting to drive to Fayetteville Arkansas to go visit a friend and stay with him for a day or two. I got about a half hour down the road and passed out at the wheel. I woke up to traffic going around me as I was parked in the middle of the interstate. I went to the hospital afterwards and got some IV and they ran some test. So I’m currently in Russell Kansas and I am flying a friend out in the morning who is going to help me drive the rest of the way home. I am so absolutely fatigued and exhausted. Are any of you guys to pray please keep me in your thoughts as I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
...And as a bit of humor I hope Le Bucket made it through unscathed as well.