Royal Oak...
Older label...
A: Pours a hazy, murky amber with a thick, puffy off-white head.
S: Aromas of minerals, toffee, dates, and ripe plums mingle with peppery hops on the nose.
T: Notes of toffee, minerals, roasted chestnuts, black walnut, plums, dates, leather, soda bread, and peppery English hops wash across the palate. The finish is straight-forward and quenching with toffee, nutty malt, and spicy hop flavors.
M: This ale is on the lighter side of medium in body and quite dry. Carbonation is firm. Very drinkable.
O: This is one of the better English pale ales I've tried in recent months. I am particularly impressed with the complexity of the flavor profile. Highly recommended.
New label maybe?
Royal Oak Pale Ale | Hanlons Brewery