hi all- new poster- I've got a 2018 1000LE. recently had the ECU replaced at the dealership due to constant overheating- upon receiving it back off transport i noticed a U on the dash. Called dealer- guy i spoke with said i had prob dropped LED's in dash , not to worry.
headed off on big trip- 8 hours driving, unloaded bike and it drove like crap from the get go.
wasn't till a week later once back in mobile reception i googled this letter U and found it was for the clutch relearn...…
cheers dealership
now I've got a battle on my hands trying to have them rectify this.
Question is: anyone got any experience with the damage it can do when the relearn isn't done?
headed off on big trip- 8 hours driving, unloaded bike and it drove like crap from the get go.
wasn't till a week later once back in mobile reception i googled this letter U and found it was for the clutch relearn...…
cheers dealership
Question is: anyone got any experience with the damage it can do when the relearn isn't done?