I've been using trail cams for 15 years. Last year I bought my first cellular trail cam. That was the worst thing I have ever done. Was watching a big 10 point last year and the neighbor ended up killing it. Tore my nerves up so bad that I gave the camera away a few weeks ago and haven't even had the desire to go hunt.
I really do have a love/hate relationship with them. I enjoy seeing what's out there, but the frustrations they cause are insane. I've learned that I basically need to go into the woods around mid October and don't leave until I kill something.
I have 6 cell cams. Didnt like want any at first cuz of the exact reasons you guys stated, but i needed security at my gate to my property. It has paid dividends there. After seeing the positives these cams can be i thought i can strategically put them In a position of ambush just to know movement pattern of “does” in multiple trails and take note of times, weather, temps and not paying much atten to the bucks on cam (even though cool) but bucks dont pattern like does except in early spring/summer so your most likely not getting the same buck youve seen on cam during the hunting season especially during the rut. I attribute and apply this the same as human activity in a war zone for high ranking officials in a sniping session, u can watch the individual in a givin spot multiple times a month, but The odds of them being there on the day you pick to take them out and them showing on time is still a crap shoot, so many things in play here. The point Im making is that you have to use others around them as a pattern tool to help you be in spots at a givin time and hope someone Fucs up like the buck I got yesterday. Same scenario, never seen him on cam like the others Ive seen that havent showed, but this guy fuced up following the same doe that has been on pattern point daily bet 7:30-9am the past month (key)
If I just got rock hard every time I seen Bullwinkle on my cam every other day and he wasnt there when I went out (90% of the time) Id be depressed and quit, hince where cams in general get folks in trouble and depressed. There is a reason he comes out at 3am lol