OK, lack of room for gears makes the most sense of any explanation I have heard to date. In theory, a Sub-Trans Gear Reduction makes sense but is not attainable with the room constraints. If that is the case, then a new case would have to be engineered and probably why Honda has done nothing to address this long time issue. All Honda could do was slightly gear the Talon down as far as they could with the room available.
IGR on the Pioneer pushes the torque to the clutches up 25% (about where the Talon is) so I don't suspect any problems on the Pioneer since the Pioneer and Talon have a similar clutch. IGR on the Talon pushes the torque on the clutches up quite a bit more that that so until this are more Talons with IGR and some feedback, I will wait and see if they hold up OK.
A Talon will also do like 45 in Low and that is just insane. In low I would never need to go over 25 and if I did, I would gladly stop and shift. I do however run my machine at 50+ in high more than I ever thought I would so even if the RB's IGR proves reliable, I will really need to think about going with IGR.
I guess I need 2 different machines to get what I want/need
