DG Rider
Member: Triple Clutch Club
Lifetime Member
Unfortunately, they were still in the full time era back then, so nada on burnouts for me. The only thing It burned was gas. I'd love to have that thing back. I always liked that era of dodge trucks. While that era was s*** for performance, some of the coolest 4x4's came from those days.LoL. I used to love doing powerbrake burnouts. 3.22 Posi really lit em up
Coincidentally, my 2nd car was a Rampage. Still one of the best driving things I've ever owned, and handled like a big go cart. Would also hall a Yamaha Blaster in the bed. Only thing was it was an automatic.
Im a professional wrench now, but back in those zit-faced teen years, maintenance wasn't big on my priority list. The tranny seized up in it one day. Wouldn't even roll in neutral. I guess I should have paid more attention to that slight leak it had. And that was the end of that one.