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The past several months I've been working on developing a system for doing ATV and SxS reviews with the intention of bringing you the most in-depth and comprehensive review on YouTube. I've been teasing little tidbits here and there such as the timed test trails I've been building and even gave a glimpse of my point sheet on my Instagram feed. I've got things just about ready and will be reaching out to the big oem's like Honda, Yamaha, Textron, Can-am, and yes, even Polaris...lol, soon but I also want to reach out to the smaller oem's like Intimidator, Cub Cadet, and CFmoto as well.
I wanted to show everyone how my review system is going to work and also be able to get feedback on what other things everyone would like to see (there are a couple things I plan on doing that no one has yet to do when doing Powersports reviews but I'm keeping those secrets for now. You watch how many start using decibel meters and infrared thermometers since those are a couple things I'm doing that no one else does...lol) so I put together this run through vid to give you an idea of what to expect from AMR with machine reviews.
I wanted to show everyone how my review system is going to work and also be able to get feedback on what other things everyone would like to see (there are a couple things I plan on doing that no one has yet to do when doing Powersports reviews but I'm keeping those secrets for now. You watch how many start using decibel meters and infrared thermometers since those are a couple things I'm doing that no one else does...lol) so I put together this run through vid to give you an idea of what to expect from AMR with machine reviews.