Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. 'Cause I gots the Blazenest, Baddest of the Basassedness, Blazing Trails to Freedom and Burning Rubber on my way too the Pioneer Stadium in the Sky!
It's been a few days since I've ridden, because I was building the rear box. I mounted it today and took her for a flight and fast Fandango around the home front. It's been raining here lately so many of the ruts were water filled which is always a blast. After mounting just the wood and not the tool box I went for a ride. I think I felt the weight and took it easy. After that I went back and installed the tool box. So, I decided to test drive it again. The weight of the whole box seems to have stabilized it. I blew through all the trails a few times over and even caught some air at one of the mulch piles. I got her up to 36 mph in the rutted curve uphill on the driveway and let her rip on a few other more pucker factor effect spots and she handled really well. Never did I feel tippy or floppy and managed to still achieve drift. I'm quite certain the Takeover may disrupt the equilibrium a time or two. But we will see. For now, I'm going to leave the box as it is.
Side note; Although I see over the box/bed better than the last box I had on there, the walls still seem visually high in the rear passenger side, corner of the bed. Anyone shorter than me, may find themselves blind in those corners, but alas, Everyone is shorter than I.
It needs a big Sticker on the rear. I wonder if I have any old surf wax stickers.......You guys ever catch a wave? ...Drifting in the dust.....
Side o note o; Pushed the max tracks between the box and the ROP's and they stayed in place, throughout the 2nd ride. Impressed was I.