I would recommend that all of the upgraded parts for the low/reverse gearset are replaced while you have everything open.
This is the parts list I had for my repair:
Gasket, Sub-Transmission Case (21206-HL4-003)
Gasket, Sub-Transmission Cover (21205-HL4-003)
Shifter, Low Reverse (23751-HL4-AJ0)
Gear, Reverse Drive (23691-HL4-AJ0)
Shaft, Reverse Idle (23711-HL4-AJ0)
Center, Gearshift Drum (24331-HL4-010)
Shaft, Shift Fork (24210-HL4-010)
Circlip, Outer 14mm (94510-14000)
You'll also need two quarts of oil to refill the sub-trans when you got it back together.
I think that covers it. Let me know if you have any questions or feedback, or if anyone thinks I am missing anything!
So will these parts up date the sub transmission to the current sub transmission that the 2022 pioneer has and who does work like this besides the Honda dealership I would like to update my sub transmissionI would recommend that all of the upgraded parts for the low/reverse gearset are replaced while you have everything open.
This is the parts list I had for my repair:
Gasket, Sub-Transmission Case (21206-HL4-003)
Gasket, Sub-Transmission Cover (21205-HL4-003)
Shifter, Low Reverse (23751-HL4-AJ0)
Gear, Reverse Drive (23691-HL4-AJ0)
Shaft, Reverse Idle (23711-HL4-AJ0)
Center, Gearshift Drum (24331-HL4-010)
Shaft, Shift Fork (24210-HL4-010)
Circlip, Outer 14mm (94510-14000)
You'll also need two quarts of oil to refill the sub-trans when you got it back together.
I think that covers it. Let me know if you have any questions or feedback, or if anyone thinks I am missing anything!