Haven't done this yet...but here is a pic of the access plate to rotate the crank. Didn't see a pic of it in the thread...
Saw it on the back of the engine and said Hmmmm...
Confirmed with a 2014-2016 Foreman 500 FSM that this is what its for. Looks like tight access on a 500, but i ain't skeerd...
Prob a 17mm in there on the crank.
I am thinking it looks easy to remove the rear fenders/rack (looks like maybe 8 bolts/2 clips) to get straighter view of the timing hole while also tilting the batt box away?
I've already been down to the valve caps to investigate a coolant leak. Typica Honda with 8,000,000,000,000 plastic rivets taking most of the time.
This may stun everyone, but i got no owners manual with my machine. Where can i find one...maybe in PDF?
Also, I've found a paper version of the service manual, but I'm thinking that after decades and prob 10 thick, expensive books, i may just go digital on this one.
Anyone know where i can get a PDF FSM?
One caution on the adjuster locknuts: The manual states something like 13 foot pounds as
@Code54 said (approx 156 inch pounds). My experience with these has shown that repeated torquing of these to the FSM level will strip them. Most of you seem determined to NOT adjust your valves, so this won't be an issue. But for those who do, be aware...
...Other manuals for different machines I've owned have the torque listed from 144-150 inch pounds, but even at the minimum, they eventually stripped. I ultimately settled at 130 inch pounds and had no further issues.