Yeah my thoughts exactly when they told me its the first one they ever worked on the clutches with... and its my word against thiers
Yeah I posted it on every social media accoun I have hoping to grab the attention of honda or anyone else going thru the same situation as me and your right honda hasn't made any effort to help. It was my fault for not having it insured but it was a brand new machine with almost 400 miles on the clock. I just assumed it was clutch issues that caused the fire considering I picked it up a few hours prior to the fire with it being in the shop almost a month getting the clutches replaced and rode it for roughly 30 min before catching fire.
Sorry to hear about your buddy's polaris too I feel his pain!!!
Lol go for it!!! It has a complimentary heater upgrade when you deal with beckley honda...Who is/was your dealer? I want to get my clutch upgrade and a couple other things done this winter
Keep trying buddyLol go for it!!! It has a complimentary heater upgrade when you deal with beckley honda...
Well I've tried I contacted bbb and attorney General and still no results. All other lawyers won' take the case I guess because there isn't enough money involved and the ones that seem half way interested start off by asking if anyone involved was hurt and when I say no their reply is I'm sorry but there isn't anything we can do..
I've noticed this on FB as well. I guess people hear "Pioneer has clutch issues" and just group them together.Yes he said the 700 clutches
This clutch issue is hurting sales on all four models and I believe will delay any chance of a true sport model.
I've noticed this on FB as well. I guess people hear "Pioneer has clutch issues" and just group them together.
Perhaps the dealer margins are better on a Polaris and the sales person gets a better commission check and doesn't give a rats a$$ about the Fire Recalls, just a bigger check at the end of the month.Hearing inaccurate info from one person on social media vs doing your due diligence.
People are LAZY!
If you don’t do your research it’s an impulse buy. Nothing over @$100 is an impulse buy for me.
Neighbor has a 570 Ranger he went to Multi-Brand dealer to ask about a 1000 because he liked mine, dealer was plenty happy to trash the Honda clutch failing to tell him about the update that fixes it.
Pushed a Polaris on him, without mentioning the 11 pages of FIRE RECALLS on CPSC.gov.
He’s heading out of town to buy a Pioneer 1000-3 EPS at some point in the next few months.