Someone has probably talked about the Pioneer 500 cup holders before but they are too small or too big to hold most bottled beverages. Either the bottle is too big to fit in or it would fall out as you drove around. I was content to just carry a cooler and stop and dig out a drink when I wanted one. Today I found a Thermax by Thermos 18 oz insulated hydration bottle. When I removed the cup holder from my Pioneer 500, the Thermax fit perfectly. When I reinstalled the cup holder in the machine, the Thermax would only go in about an inch. Upon investigation, I found that the tab that locks the cup holder in place stuck into the cup area about 1/16th of an inch and prevented the Thermax from seating all the way in and being secure. I took my utility knife and trimmed off that extra 1/16th of an inch (soft plastic and easy to trim). Now the Thermax fits perfectly and solidly. It keeps beverages cold for 18 hours, it is easy to put ice in when the lid is removed, and it has an easy to open cover so I don't have to worry about all the dust we sometimes have to ride through and it is dishwasher safe. The cost at Amazon is $18. If you are interested, here is a link: https://www.amazon.com/Thermos-Vacuum-Insulated-Stainless-Hydration/dp/B000FJ9DOK?tag=sxsweb24-20