At the last shop i worked at there was the 2 experienced guys (myself and the shop foreman) and a 3rd lube tech/apprentice type guy...usually right out of some tech institute, primarily because the owner was too cheap to pay for 3 good techs. This position was a revolving door...
It became sort of running joke between the foreman and i that these guys would come in with 10,000 Snap-tool boxes or a multi thousand dollar scan tool, yet would have to come borrow my .75 plug gapper.
My fav was a guy who told us he was an "electrical guru". These guys are priceless since, as someone else mentioned, electrical has no flat rate since it can take 5 minutes...or 5 hours, and not everyone does real well with this area. So, when we put him on the 1st electrical problem to come in, i was filled with confidence when he came and ask to borrow my DVOM. Awesome!
The point being that good techs are rare these days. Book learned is one thing. Having the ability to understand things is another.
Spinning wrenches has always been a love/hate thing for me, but the temptation is always there to give it one more try...
I've worked with 2 MMI graduates that I could out work with now schooling. Those two guys new jack s*** unless the book told them so. They'd run around following the manual when I could've gotten them there in 5 minutes. Bunch of dummies.