Just thought I would post up a positive experience with my Talon X.
Saturday, five of us went riding in northern WV. Three Can Am X3, One RZR and my Talon. Trails were muddy as always this time of year. All three X3's were having overheating issues due to mud clogging their radiators. RZR was muddy but not overheating. My Talon was completely clean. No mud at all.
Kudos to Honda for doing a good job of radiator placement.
Is this other's experience as well?
Saturday, five of us went riding in northern WV. Three Can Am X3, One RZR and my Talon. Trails were muddy as always this time of year. All three X3's were having overheating issues due to mud clogging their radiators. RZR was muddy but not overheating. My Talon was completely clean. No mud at all.
Kudos to Honda for doing a good job of radiator placement.
Is this other's experience as well?