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Jan 27, 2016

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A shooting resulting in a deputy being shot and killed recently less than 10 miles from my home really has me thinking about how I would protect my family! I have 22 single shot rifle and a Taurus pt22. Wasn't lucky enough to grow up around guns and been feeling a little inadequate because of what I do have! I have a wife and four daughters to protect and am doing some hard thinking on how I should move forward! Seeing your video forces me to accept I am not prepared!
You should start off with a shotgun or a tarus judge .410 handgun for home protection, that way in the event you need to remind someone they broke into the wrong house, it won't go through the drywall and hit someone that is having sweet dreams in the next room.
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Thank you gentlemen for the recommendations! I will have to agree with @drfubar concerning practice and mindset! Additional consideration for me are safety in the home to prevent accidents, while ensuring accessibility! Time for some research! Thanks again!


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Jun 7, 2016
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Additional consideration for me are safety in the home to prevent accidents, while ensuring accessibility! Time for some research! Thanks again!
Yep if you have those at home that need to be educated and taught what to do and what not to do. I learned from a young age from my Dad but not everyone had that. Safety first.


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Jun 7, 2016
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Good read: Central Nervous System Disconnect

Suarez International

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Look at the image above. See the hard plates worn by the terrorist Johnson in Dallas? If you shoot that with a handgun or rifle, it will have no effect whatsoever.

Its is 2016 and with new developments and observations of the SOP of our enemies the terrorists, new paradigms must be established, and new skills to meet the new requirements must be developed and practiced. I don't want to hear from guys who are still thinking it is 1985 and want to play the odds against the broken bottle armed punk in the alley with their J-Frame and five shots. Times have changed and our methods must adapt or be crushed by the wheels of history.

The New Paradigm

Today we must assume any adversary is wearing body armor...and in some cases a bomb vest. We all recall James Holmes, the movie-theater shooter in Aurora, Colorado. He wore, according to sources, “a ballistic helmet, a tactical ballistic vest, ballistic leggings, a throat protector, and a groin protector.” And we get vague reports from LE about the San Bernardino Terrorists wearing armor. And we know that Mateen, the Orlando Jihadist, attempted to buy armor that would defeat rifle fire. The fortunately astute and profiling salesman refused to sell it to him. And of course, we know that Micah Johnson, the Dallas Terrorist was wearing a full set of rifle plates.

We also know form studying the events of the past two years both at home and overseas in developed nations, that the use of bomb vests has increased. In an FBI study on Active Shooter events (up to 2012) showed that in 5% of events, the terrorists brought crude bomb vests. And I will bet most of you have already forgotten Joel Henry Hinrichs III. Hinrichs was the first guy to my knowledge to have attempted a suicide bombing in the USA post 9/11. On October 1, 2005, after having been refused entry to a football game at Oklahoma State University, Hinrichs detonated three pounds of TATP he was carrying on his body. As the Syrian refugee invasion continues into the west, it is unavoidable that the combat knowledge possessed by the many jihadists among them will spread and the quality and stability of these improvised explosives will become more common.

So today, we see the hapless Turkish police officer running in terror at the realization the man he just brought down with a body shot is still alive and about to set off an explosive device. We see the race terrorist Johnson, wearing a full set of plates that even a rifle could not have defeated. And we know the prevalence of technology means that armor is not only prolific and accessible, but so is the widely published information on building a bomb vest. We also know that just as a body shot to a set of SAPI plates will be a waste of effort, a shot from a handgun to a poorly designed bomb vest will set it off with alacrity.

Response to the New Paradigm

All my pistol practice is to the face/neck area. I target the area we will henceforth call "Center Of Face" or COF for short. I no longer worry about center of mass chest shots unless they are true, completely unexpected, reactive shooting events filled with extreme surprise and close range emergency movement. And even then...my objective is to achieve a face shot as soon as possible. If there is even a tenth of a degree of preparation or proactive process, its a face/neck shot immediately.

The argument for has been established above, but there are still many in the training field that resist my line of thinking, just as they did when I taught the first Terrorist/Active Shooter Interdiction Class back in 2005. Now they are all emulating that class...and soon their position on head shots as I describe will change as well. Just watch.

Their reasons for clinging to the center of mass include but are not limited to the following:

1). It is too difficult for Sally Soccer-mom and Retired Robert to pull this off. Well, yes it may be. As I said in a previous, now viral article, we live in a time of war. Adaptions must be made.

The terrorist will not take it easy nor spare Robert or Sally, or those who are like them. At the end of the day, people will either be up to the task, or they will not. If they are not, they won't survive the day. Harsh perhaps but that is reality.

Better to tell a student the truth, and give them the opportunity to increase their skills than to mislead them about the minimum being sufficient.

Is it difficult to do what we are suggesting? I don't think so. Lets look at the target to the left. I am drawing a target box around the face and upper neck, and as wide as the outer corners of the eyes.

From sternal notch to browline is about 8" vertically, and across the width of the face is about 4" horizontally.

To illustrate this, take a standard 8.5x11 sheet of paper and fold it in half. That is about the size of your target from the front, side and back. So its not as difficult a target as the throwbacks would have you think.

Moreover, the idea that the shot to head will only work if you hit a small credit card sized "cranio-ocular cavity" is false. Again, look at the target on the left.

The throat area has many structures which are easily injured. The jugular veins as well as the easily reached spine and their destruction would insure a "stop". If I take a baseball bat and smash a terrorist in the face with it, I don't have to hit a credit card to get the desired effect.

And lets also get away from the slow deliberate single surgical brain shot for this application. Certainly, if you have the time for that do so, but if you do not, send the same burst you would normally have fired at the chest area into the face area. Once you let go of the notion that these shots must be fired at different speeds, you will realize the damage that you can do. The mind set has to change and get away from the idea of "scoring a target". Its not about the target, or the score...it is about the killing.

A handful of bullets will do much better.

2). Along the complaints of difficulty for the under-achiever class is the incessant and apparently ingrained fear of legal repercussions for going to the head in the first place, and the legality of errant rounds missing and hitting someone/something else.

Going to the head as a primary target and a preferred target can easily be justified by simply reading this article, and perhaps looking at the daily news. It is not 1985 any more kids and the mind set of those days must change. I know those that profit from the ingrained fear of the legal system will never agree, but few of them have ever actually shot anyone so theirs is more a theoretical position than a real one. Pre-selecting the COF is not only justified, but in the world of body armor, IEDs, ISIS and urban terror, it is the only wise choice.

And on the fear of missing (and thus not shooting) here is an interesting fact. Police Officers hit their targets roughly 34 percent of the time. That means that they miss 66% of the time. Yet we don't hear of nuns and orphans dropping like flies from errant police gunfire do we? Why not? Because another truth of combat is that where ever the bullets are flying, there will always be more air than meat. But even if that were not the case, is it wise and prudent to refrain from shooting out of fear? I submit that such a mind set will indirectly cause your death or the death of others.

What would have happened if Jeanne Assam had not shot Matthew James Murray? Or if Donald J. Moore had not shot the man who entered the AT&T store in New York Mills, New York carrying a .357 magnum revolver in his hand and a list of employees he planned to kill in his pocket. Or if Jonathan Baer had not engaged Hjelmeland. Or if the good guys that find themselves at ground zero every time do not engage out of an unreasonable fear of being unable to meet an unreasonable expectation? Then they die and everyone they could have saved also dies. And in the case of the Bataclan Theater Terrorism, dying by the gunfire of the terrorists would be a merciful thing.

Holding on to old tactics and training methods from a long ago peacetime is foolish. We live in a time of war.

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The Great Bald One
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Oct 5, 2016
Bella Vista, AR

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@drfubar I have seen you mention Gabe Suarez a couple of times in different threads - What draws you to him as an instructor and have you taken a class with him before?

I did take a class with him back when I lived in Amarillo. I think it was called Civilian rife or something.. anyway it was a good class I learned a lot.


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Jun 7, 2016
Mary's Ridge (Dayton Mtn), TN

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@drfubar I have seen you mention Gabe Suarez a couple of times in different threads - What draws you to him as an instructor and have you taken a class with him before?

I did take a class with him back when I lived in Amarillo. I think it was called Civilian rife or something.. anyway it was a good class I learned a lot.
I have not taken a class with him. I am having a gun built by him. A tier one Glock 19. I like the way he thinks and talks. He's a former LEO and that in itself draws me to him. @Manwell has taken several classes from him.. I would like to get into his class in the near future.


The Great Bald One
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Oct 5, 2016
Bella Vista, AR

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I have not taken a class with him. I am having a gun built by him. A tier one Glock 19. I like the way he thinks and talks. He's a former LEO and that in itself draws me to him. @Manwell has taken several classes from him.. I would like to get into his class in the near future.
Thanks for the response. I think one of the best parts of his class was we went into a building when it started pouring down rain and about half our class was Leo - very interesting discussion.


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Jun 7, 2016
Mary's Ridge (Dayton Mtn), TN

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Thanks for the response. I think one of the best parts of his class was we went into a building when it started pouring down rain and about half our class was Leo - very interesting discussion.
Like I said, @Manwell has taken several of his classes and I respect what he has to say and he said Gabe is the real deal..
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Suarez International: Gabe Suarez

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

In the movie El Diablo, Thomas Van Leek, played by Louis Gossett, Jr., is a no-nonsense gunslinger who shot a number of antagonists in the back. When asked about it, he replies simply, "Because his back was to me."

That is supposed to be a comedy line of course as we know no western hero worth his salt would ever deny his opponent the opportunity to draw first, much less shoot him in the back...like, well...a coward. You see, much like the Hall Monitor Mentality, the Lone Ranger Mentality has been deeply imbued in the American male psyche. The Lone Ranger never drew first, never threw the first punch, and my God…never shot a man in the back.

And many a good man has shed the fullness of his life on the asphalt and dirt because of that ridiculous programming.
Just last weekend we had a suicide bomber in Bavaria. No, it was not a chemical experiment gone wrong by chemist refugees. It was a Syrian that had pledged allegiance to the Islamic Jihad. I am told the bomb was quite sophisticated. As I suspected, with the increasing push into the west by these people, the war knowledge of how to make better bombs will become more widespread.

I already discussed the COF as the new target for today's threats. Many seem to have not gotten the ethos of the discussion.

1). This is NOT a Failure Drill, or a Drug/Body Armor Drill, or a Mozambique Drill. Here we are specifically and clearly, without euphemisms or verbal deflections, targeting the face/neck area of the bad guy to kill him as quickly as possible. If that takes one shot, great. But if it takes fifteen to the face, that is acceptable as well.

2). America needs to get its head out of the "mugger in the parking lot" paradigm, and it needs to stop reading articles penned by people attempting to sell them legal services. Certainly, there are still muggers in parking lots, but that "crime" paradigm will not work in an active shooter or terrorist event. As we progress into the decade, whether the traditionalist "defense-minded" trainers like it or not, not all shootings will be "self defense" shootings. Some by the very nature of the events in discussion will be proactive pistol ambushes designed to take and kill the terrorist unannounced and by surprise. And not only is that perfectly legal, it is praise worthy.

3). We are discussing PISTOLS, not rifles and not shotguns. Although rifles and shotguns are far preferable to go to a fight with, I severely doubt that many of you will get into a fight with anything but your pistol. Understand the distinction - "Go To", and "Get Into". One is planned and proactive, the other is not. Unless you go about your day with a Daniel Defense M4 slung over your back, I think what you will have when you face the terrorist is a handgun...hopefully a good one.

Now to the target. Often the face will not be, well, facing you. That is a huge blessing as the terrorist will not know specifically that you are there. So lets consider the side shot and the rear shot.

From the back, we have an area roughly delineated by the top of the ears across, down from there on each side, and then bottomed out by the base of the neck. I am stopping at the base of the neck, not because a spine shot will not have a great result, but because a ballistic vest, or a bomb vest may obscure the target. We don't need a degree in anatomy to see what lies just under the surface.

From the side, consider the focal point the ear canal. But a rectangular box with the ear as the center will give you an idea of what is available.

I seem to have taken a great many words to tell you that it is not only acceptable, but encouraged that you shoot the terrorist/active shooter in the back of the head, without saying a single thing to him.

And if the Lone Ranger Association wants their stupid white hat back, and Michael Moore doesn't want to be your friend, fear not...I have plenty of black hats for sale at the store, and real men who will call you brother.



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Thursday, January 26, 2017

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What a horrible thing to say or consider? Yes, for modern western man that is almost inconceivable.

But as I have said for over a year, we live in a time of war. And although the Trump Presidency has been the best thing to happen to America since the end of WW2, I would not expect the momentum of the ISIS Jihad against the west to diminish. Moreover, I think that a traditional, "Let's bomb them in Syria" perspective may be fine for Syrian security, but will do nothing to thwart the Orlandos and San Bernardinos that are being planned right now in America by people that share the same philosophy.
Last August I wrote a controversial article titled - Could You Kill A Child Jihadist? You can read it here - COULD YOU SHOOT A CHILD JIHADIST?

In the article I referred to a video that surfaced showing 12 year old boys executing prisoners. That video was bland compared to the one I am going to show you here. At the end of the original article I said the following -

"Our enemy has shown us his use of the very young and the very old as terrorists. Fine, thank you - information received. We live in a time of war and our tactics and engagement concepts will change in accordance with the new information. The little jihadist terrorist active shooter or bomber gets shot right in the face...just like the big ones."

Have a look at this video showing similar aged terrorists carrying out a direct action take down of a building and killing prisoners that had been tied up and placed inside. We live in a time of war...get your minds right about this and who the enemy might be on any given day.

Gabe Suarez

“Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates.”

― Mark Twain

Suarez International USA Headquarters


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Jun 7, 2016
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WHAT I PLAN TO TEACH IN 2017; Gabe Suarez

My classes will be limited. There are some things I am not going to bother with because either there is little interest in the country (shotgun is one example), or its not easy for all students to do (hard force on force for another example), and there are plenty of classes available that teach those things to those wanting to learn. I want fat old ladies and fit young men and everyone in between to be able to attend and train in these because the enemy will choose you whether or not you are ready. So everyone will be able to be a better fighter, regardless of age or fitness or ability.

In 2017 I will teach you how to kill surgically and dispassionately with your pistol. Its what we all carry so that is what I will predominantly be teaching. Everything from elevator combat to engaging active shooters at long range. And while I shoot a red dot pistol and I expect to see a lot of red dot pistols, and if you bought a red dot pistol or slide from me you will get to enroll at a discount, I will teach you even if you bring the plastic sights on your twenty-five year old Gen 1 Glock.

Basics. I am astounded at how stupid the vast majority of instructors are in the USA. Sure they can all shoot. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting somebody that can shoot. But none of them know how to get YOU to shoot. I do and I will teach you how to be a brain surgeon with your pistol. What those other people say is impossible, I will have you doing in three days. And moreover, you will understand why and how it is done...so you can teach your wife and your kids. You've seen the videos. I know how to make you a better shooter.

Technical skills. In some cases the classes will focus on technical skills, such as the red dot pistol series. Other times it will be more a software event teaching non-specific material. All are based on operating successfully when you are at your worst. This is not a competition class where I will show you how to shave a nose hair off your reload. This is a class where I will show you how to reload successfully behind cover, in the dark, even if you can't breathe and your eyes are full of blood.

Gunfighting. I will teach you about proactive and reactive events and why how you deal with them is different. You will see that 99% of everything taught in the USA is optimistically proactive. I will teach you how to prevail there. How to shoot and kill an active shooter or terrorist from across the parking lot without so much as a "how do you do". But I will also teach you what to do when a gunfight was the last thing on your mind but the first thing on the mind of the man you are about to kill.

The mind and the heart. And I will teach you about developing peace of mind, and the courage that comes from it. We will present the first segment of an upcoming series called Killing Within The Law. So that you know what to do, always...and you know what to say...always...and so that you will have a confidence about the entire events that will astound you with the power that it gives you. And you can ask me anything you wish. I will give you the answer I know...even if it is an unexpected or politically incorrect one.

That is why this series of classes are labelled "Suarez". Because I am the only one doing them. No staff members will have these available locally for at least the next five years, and there will only be a few places in the USA where these are going to be taught. Once five years are done, so I will be done...and nobody will be imitating what I have to share. Then to paraphrase the war chief...I will teach no more forever.

Thus far I have ten tentatively scheduled classes from the northwest, to the east, and to the south in 2017.
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Not a liberal
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Jan 12, 2015
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Thank you gentlemen for the recommendations! I will have to agree with @drfubar concerning practice and mindset! Additional consideration for me are safety in the home to prevent accidents, while ensuring accessibility! Time for some research! Thanks again!
For home protection I recommend a Shotgun as well for multiple reasons.

1. you won't shoot through walls and harm unintentional targets (as mentioned before)

2. A short barreled shotgun does not require pinpoint accuracy

3. Shotguns lend themselves very well to mounting flashlights, I cannot stress enough how important this is, you know, actually seeing what you're shooting at!

I would also recommend having a good pistol, but a shotgun is a great and pretty inexpensive way to start. I built a Remington 870 express for home protection, total cost less than $500 and a perfectly effective tool to protect who and what I love.



Another thing, talk with your family about this and have a plan. Come up with a code word, I know it sounds a little corny, but think about it- you hear a noise downstairs, you grab your gun and go investigate, you see a shadow, and the shadow yells "pancakes!" ( or whatever your code word is), then you know there is no threat and possibly avoid a tragic accident.


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Jul 12, 2016

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As @drfubar mentioned, I have taken I think 7 courses with Gabe as the instructor, most of those have been multi-day classes. Yes, I like his mindset and instructor ability. I learn every time I've trained with him... Practice is huge if you really want to be proficient and I will admit that I don't train as often recently as I have in the past. There is not a good excuse. Couple years ago I took the 3 days Combat Pistol course in Prescott, AZ - it was great! Other good gunfighting training from Tom Givens, Craig Duncan (Southnarc) and James Yeager. These are guys I've trained with and would do so again!

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