DG Rider
Member: Triple Clutch Club
Lifetime Member
Ok...sounds like a different place than what I was talking about. It was a section of senator hwy a few miles outside crown king that washed down to bare rock maybe 5 years ago just before Hooper Saddle. It was heavily tree covered, but it looked kinda like the bare rock pics...but would have been pretty shocking if that many trees had burned.the hill with dirt and rocks is Prescott (which has changed since we were there last- 3 yrs)and I believe so. its all tore up the solid rock sorry was up by crown king. A side path off the road. not sure it really was a trail but made it one. sorry I don't know all the roads in either place. Prescott I know walker, potato patch senator highway are but roads in between don't know. But We have fun.
I miss riding out that way. Esp this time of year.