Illegitimi non carborundum
Lifetime Member
Folks, the SPOT line has not been a decent seller for me despite their being a top quality “oh sh-t” device for land use. Therefore I will be closing them our.
The SPOT Gen 3 I have marked down to $50. I have two left and the wholesale cost was $115 each. Great units and still supported, just not the current packaging of the SPOT Gen 4. I have 2 left. (No discounts at that price - sorry).
Other SPOT products are on my website at MAP, so contact me directly for pricing. I have 2 SPOT X units, one SPOT Gen4, and 5 SPOT Trace and power cables. The Trace makes a dm Ed good vehicle tracker and does not require cellular coverage like the competition. Again, contact me directly for your pricing.
Now for updates on product availability .... basically it sucks. I will be switching my site over to disallow back orders. I have TYT 8600s on order but do not have an ETA. I have outages on some Midland items as well (the XT511 GMRS base camp radio eta just shifted from a week out to mid July).
The shipping issues to and from Asia are killing me and others. If there is something you absolutely need to have, ping me. I can generally get items on a one off basis quickly (but shipping is killer ... for some radios as much as the radio if not more).
Finally with the FCC cracking down on HAM and Commercial radios being sold and programmed to GMRS frequencies, I will not be selling pre-programmed radios once I sell out (read Baofeng and TYT). I will continue to sell the radios, you will need to program them yourselves .... and I can (allegedly) point you to easy programming
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The SPOT Gen 3 I have marked down to $50. I have two left and the wholesale cost was $115 each. Great units and still supported, just not the current packaging of the SPOT Gen 4. I have 2 left. (No discounts at that price - sorry).
Other SPOT products are on my website at MAP, so contact me directly for pricing. I have 2 SPOT X units, one SPOT Gen4, and 5 SPOT Trace and power cables. The Trace makes a dm Ed good vehicle tracker and does not require cellular coverage like the competition. Again, contact me directly for your pricing.
Now for updates on product availability .... basically it sucks. I will be switching my site over to disallow back orders. I have TYT 8600s on order but do not have an ETA. I have outages on some Midland items as well (the XT511 GMRS base camp radio eta just shifted from a week out to mid July).
The shipping issues to and from Asia are killing me and others. If there is something you absolutely need to have, ping me. I can generally get items on a one off basis quickly (but shipping is killer ... for some radios as much as the radio if not more).
Finally with the FCC cracking down on HAM and Commercial radios being sold and programmed to GMRS frequencies, I will not be selling pre-programmed radios once I sell out (read Baofeng and TYT). I will continue to sell the radios, you will need to program them yourselves .... and I can (allegedly) point you to easy programming
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