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That you can help support HondaSxS.com by shopping on AMAZON like you do every day anyway?
It's easy, just use this link as your Amason link --> hondasxs.com/amazon
That you can help support HondaSxS.com by shopping on AMAZON like you do every day anyway?
It's easy, just use this link as your Amason link --> hondasxs.com/amazon
- By using this affiliate link - hondasxs.com/amazon
- How can I help more?
- By posting an Amazon link to good buys in the forum.
- Post the Amazon link instead in the forum to a product you like.
- What's the best way to do this?
- The best way is to TELL YOUR WIFE!
- Set a desktop or browser link that points to hondasxs.com/amazon
- Windows. Right click and Create new shortcut. Past the link and name it AMAZON.
- Browser. Click (CTRL + D) for most browsers.
- How does that work?
- Every time we send traffic to Amazon it counts as an affiliate connection.
- Every time we send traffic to Amazon it counts as an affiliate connection.
- How does that help?
- We get rewarded a very small amount for affiliate traffic. Meaning we sent you to Amazon so they pay a very small commision for the traffic.
- We get rewarded a very small amount for affiliate traffic. Meaning we sent you to Amazon so they pay a very small commision for the traffic.
- Will prices be different?
- NO! Prices will be the same as normal.
- NO! Prices will be the same as normal.
- What will you do with this commision?
- Keeping this site up is not easy or cheap. There are many bills that need to be paid. Server, Hosting, Backup server, CDN, DNS, Domain, Software, Upgrades, Advertisements, Giveaways, and not to mention my time involved and ongoing development.