SxS Newb from East Texas



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Jan 3, 2020
ne. ohio

  1. 700-2
What's up guys...

Picked up my first SxS a couple months ago. It's a 2019 Talon R that I am in love with! I never thought I would say that about a SxS.

For years my friends have been buying overpriced cheaply made piles of crap and telling me I had to have one while I watched them dump hundreds of dollars into their piles almost weekly to keep them going...... No thanks

Went to a local Honda dealer a few months ago, checked out the R model several times over a few days, read everything I could find about them, asked the dealer and techs a ton of questions and then went all in on a new one with some Honda Racing accessories on it.

I sort of have big plans for this thing. I came from a background in MX and paved circle track racing and ever since moving to Tx I have wanted to race again, preferably on dirt. I'm waaay to old and have to much responsibly at home & work to be racing MX again, and dirt circle track cars take up to much $$$$ and time to be competitive. I travel for work frequently so my at home play time is limited. Luckily I made the mistake of going to Texplex park here in Texas last month to watch the SxS races. Needless to say, IM HOOKED and going racing in the very near future. :cool: I'll start a build thread once I get more of the parts I ordered here

Few poser pics of the new toy, and of what's to come...

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welcome from Akron Ohio.

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