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I finally got to take the Talon out for a short trip around the neighbor's farm tonight and noticed it was running very poorly. Sort of surging and would sometimes stall when I was shifting into reverse. When I say surging, I mean I can push the gas 1/2 down, and it seemed to bog, then it may take a few seconds, and it would mostly jump in RPMs and take off close to normal. On some hills, I had very little power and would have to about floor it to get up a hill that is mostly nothing. I also noticed the shifts seemed off, almost like the machine thought it should be picking up speed or going better when it wasn't. I think this is my fault as I have not run it much recently. Like 100 miles in the last 18 months ( I know, I know, - we have 2 SxSs and an ATV, so this has been resting for a bit), maybe, and very very little recently. Would this be normal for bad gas? I think it is and am draining the tank and thought I would refill for 93 and some seafoam - any thoughts? I also didn't throw any codes, which is also what is making me lean towards bad fuel.